Audio Transcription Services

High-accuracy Audio Transcription Outsourcing Services

Obtain high-quality speech-to-text audio transcription at scale. We allocate teams of experienced linguists to transcribe hours of audio in different languages at scale. From dozens to thousands of hours of structured data to power your ML program.

BUNCH employs in-house linguists, native speakers, sensitive to accents, and fluent in multiple languages. It is organized in the most efficient team structure and utilizes proven double-pass QA techniques and high-touch project management that ensure the best efficiency while maintaining data accuracy.

Pay per hour of audio transcribed
From dozens to thousands of hours of audio transcribed monthly
English, Spanish, Bahasa Indonesia, Portuguese and most languages are covered

Get a proposal in less than 24 hours

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Transcribe Thousands of Hours of Audio Speech and Dialogues with Precision

At BUNCH, we understand that even a few errors in your training data can compromise the integrity of entire datasets. Over the years, we have meticulously refined our QA audit processes and trained our linguists to maintain the highest possible data quality without sacrificing productivity. Our ideal team structure comprises a balanced mix of Linguists, Team Leads, Quality Assurance Specialists, and Project Managers, all guided by a single, shared mantra: Data Quality.

Our seasoned Project Managers have extensive experience with ML models and work closely with our clients to ensure our audio transcription services meet their needs. We focus on detecting modal words, performing dialogue analysis, identifying speakers in multi-speaker contexts, discerning accents, working with various accents, slang, and languages, and detecting filler/modal words.

Our process begins with a calibration test using a representative sample of the dataset against preliminary transcription guidelines. This helps us estimate the average handle time (AHT) of one hour of source audio and familiarize ourselves with the complexity and potential ambiguities of the audio files. We then develop comprehensive transcription guidelines in collaboration with our clients, iteratively improving them through feedback loops as we encounter real data and unanticipated edge cases.

We invest time in training our linguists to internalize these guidelines, equipping them to handle client-specific conversational context efficiently. After each audio transcription, independent QA analysts audit and score the work based on a scorecard. Linguists with low scores receive additional training, while high-performing linguists are rewarded and progress to higher roles over time. Trust BUNCH to provide high-quality audio transcription services for training robust and reliable NLP ML models.

Sensitive to accents, situational context, speech disfluencies and idiomatic expressions
We capture sentiment, identify speakers and entities with precision
Double-pass QA audits guarantee the highest accuracy at scale

Scale your Speech-to-Text Projects

We allocate teams of linguists to handle audio transcription projects of various sizes, from smaller projects with several thousand audio files to large-scale efforts spanning months. Our extensive pool of experienced linguists allows for rapid response and scalability in our audio transcription services, with the capacity to mobilize hundreds of professionals when necessary.

Projects can be structured based on agreed outputs, such as hundreds of hours of transcribed speech audio in multiple languages. For numerous clients in the AI space, we establish full-time teams with a specified number of FTEs (Full-Time Employees) to address ongoing data requirements. This approach is cost-efficient for generating substantial volumes of training data for long-term ML models needing continuous input. In some cases, we maintain a fixed team for a specific data volume, while utilizing a flexible, part-time team to manage seasonal fluctuations.

Pricing for our audio transcription services is determined by factors such as the number of audio hours transcribed or text clips categorized, or alternatively, based on the number of Full-Time Employees (FTEs) allocated to the project. Trust our expert linguists to deliver high-quality audio transcriptions for your AI projects, ensuring your ML models are trained with reliable data.

Languages covered: English, Spanish, Bahasa Indonesia, Portuguese, Arabic, Thai, Vietnamese, Tagalog, French, German.

In-house pool of hundreds of transcribers available in most languages
We handle projects different sizes as well as FTEs for recurrent data needs

High Accuracy Data Labeling Outsourcing Services

High-Touch Project Management

High-Touch Project Management

Receive instant response, feedback and support from our dedicated 24/5 account management team

Flexible Pricing

Flexible Pricing

Get a custom plan with elastic pricing models that fit your annotation project volume, quality and urgency

Scalable Workforce

Scalable Workforce

Our elastic workforce allows you to scale up from thousands to millions of images in hours

Accuracy Culture

Accuracy Culture

Continuous training and rigorous QA complemented by double-pass techniques secure the highest accuracy

In-House Labelers

In-House Annotators

Our fully managed in-house annotation teams enable pixel-perfect accuracy and full compliance with your guidelines

Project Calibration

Project Calibration

We will annotate a sample of your images and come back to you with proposed productivity estimates and quality thresholds

Dashboard Mastery

Dashboard Mastery

Our exposure to different dashboards enables us to handle high-volume and multi-user annotation at exceptional efficiency standards

Your Data is Yours

Your Data is Yours

We permanently delete your datasets upon completion of milestones. Our in-house team is under strict NDA to protect your business confidentiality.

Compliance Above Standards

Compliance Above Standards

We meet international compliance standards for data handling and processing, security, confidentiality, and privacy

Kickstart your Audio Transcription project in days, not weeks

Share your challenge with us and we will send you a quote personally in less than 24 hours.

Get a proposal in less than 24 hours

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Audio Transcription Services Pricing

Full-Time Labelers
$900 to $1,150 / mo
  • Full-time dedicated labelers
  • Complimentary QA audits
  • Custom shifts or 24/7
Per-project Pricing
from $0.10 /item
  • High accuracy
  • Instant scalability
  • Priority projects available

We reinvented the outsourcing model with flexibility in mind.

We set full-time teams and work on one-time projects of all sizes.