The Quora Handbook to Building an Engaging Community for Crypto Projects

Rodrigo Cardenete
Rodrigo Cardenete
Founder at BUNCH
BUNCH Guides
Crypto and Blockchain
Last Update:
July 5, 2024

Quora is a continuously growing community-driven Q&A platform that attracts millions of intelligent individuals. It is the best place to gain and share knowledge and learn and understand the blockchain space. Quora has a lot of features to offer for your product platform and using these features will allow your project to gain organic traffic, community engagement, and much more.

Quora is one of the best platforms you can use to attract audiences in particular niches and this guide will walk you through on how to do just that.

Quora has a rapid development and user-based references for blockchain startups. With its very unique features and a big number of users, it is a good complement to a blockchain community strategy. Quora users are highly specialized individuals and your company has a good chance of exposure and can even attract members and influencers to your platform.

The Origin of Quora

Quora is a question and answer site where users with expertise in different fields can ask questions and get answers. Whatever your question may be, just search it and voila! You can get your answers and insights from experts in different industries. You can also give direct answers to anyone and share content or websites.

Founded in 2009 by Charlie Cheever and Adam D'Angelo (former Facebook CTO), Quora now has a large number of visitors, reaching 300 million monthly users. D'Angelo resigned from his position at Facebook in January 2010 to create Quora. He said that he and Cheever were inspired to create Quora because "we thought that Q&A is one of those areas on the internet where there are a lot of sites, but no one had come along and built something that was really good yet." And eventually, Quora's base of users grew quickly in December 2010.

Big Personalities in Quora You Can Possibly Interact With

There are many platforms like Quora. However, Quora surpasses them all because famous and highly-influenced individuals are in it. Below are the few who actively answer community questions:

Barack Obama - Former president of the US
Hillary Clinton - American politician diplomat and lawyer
Mark Zuckerberg - CEO and Founder of Facebook
Satya Nadella - Microsoft CEO
Werner Vogels - Amazon CTO and VP

Quora being a reputable site to gain knowledge, startup companies use it to increase organic traffic and gain exposure. Quora offers more than what your startup needs. With its powerful features, millions of monthly users and community engagement are 100% viable.

6 Features of Quora That Kill the Game

1. Reputation-Based Community

The Quora community is a great source of reliable information. When you answer relevant questions related to your product platform, it will give you an opportunity to engage with your audiences. Providing answers will slowly build your reputation and show your expertise.

2. Visibility to First-Tier Contributors

Answering relevant questions through Quora’s algorithm gives you more visibility to first-tier contributors and thus connects you to experts in various fields.

3. Spaces

Spaces are communities created around shared interests and tastes. Look for spaces that have wide audiences and reach out to them through answering relevant questions that interest them.

4. Followers or Follow-Back

Quora developed the same type of Twitter functionality where users follow people on the micro-blogging site. Your audience has the ability to follow and browse for topics of their interest.

5. Upvoting / Downvoting Feature

This is an essential part of Quora’s operating system. Upvoting and/or downvoting answers will allow useful answers you’ve written to be ranked at the top and will make your company a thought leader in the crypto space.

6. Vast Readers

Given the vast number of members Quora has, you could always find members that are techy or geeky in nature. Create an open forum community that will discuss about your industry. An interesting topic will most likely indulge a society of tech readers or crypto enthusiasts.

Go Big with Quora with Its Competitive Benefits

1. Establish Yourself as an Authority

Quora tracks experts from particular areas helping you gain reputation for your product platform and thus solidify your authority. The most viewed writer earns a badge on his/her profile that appears next to his/her name. With this, earning more badges from answering questions lets your audience know that you are an expert and a thought leader worthy to be followed and trusted in the crypto space.

2. SEO Backlinks or Organic Traffic

Through Quora’s backlinks, your website can get a link from any other site. No matter what answers or contents you post, you can increase traffic by answering questions related to your product platform. Your target audience will know what your company does and they are more likely to follow the links you provide especially if those links lead to more valuable information that answer their questions.

3. Understand Your Niche Deeply

Engaging with your niche through the question and answer platform will help you get to know them better. What are their interests and preferences? You can create a discussion that will spark the interest of your audience and in return, get feedback from them. You can explore other communities or the latest topics in the “What’s going on” section so other community members can give feedback about your platform.

How to Make It with Quora

Quora is a great tool for attracting community members for your product platform. Quora can get much traffic for your company’s website. You need to spend time to plan and think of a strategy for your product platform and implement it. Below are some best practices on how you can move forward with Quora:

Create Your Profile and Make the Most of It

The first step is easy– join Quora and fill out your profile! Start with a catchy avatar photo that is in line with your audience. Indicate the most important things you want your niche to know, and don’t expose many characters (i.e detailed information about your platform or a killer tagline). Don’t forget to put social proof of your company’s achievements, team’s credentials, and highlights.

Find some killer questions to answer which is relevant to your niche

Once you created your company profile, you’re now all set! Find the right questions to answer so that your audience will check out your company profile as well as check the links leading to other channels. You can search for topics that are popular, interesting, and relevant. Check out, follow, and investigate the most viewed writers that can help you gain industry insights.

Find Some Killer Questions to Answer Which Is Relevant to Your Niche

Contrary to others' opinion, answers and comments to questions are really important. Crafting an answer will definitely drive traffic to your company’s site. Start every answer with a great image and an interesting approach that gives information and value to your audience.

Create a Community

A high-quality and relevant answer is always appealing to your audience. Thus, you need to learn your community’s language and reach out to them. Don’t just answer questions or read your community’s suggestions, act on it! Offer your community something they can’t find elsewhere.

Be Completely Responsive

Reply to your audiences in minutes, not days. Being responsive will get your audience engaged. Using bullets or bold format and italicization to give emphasis to your answers will be a great help to show that you are an expert.

Republish Content from Your Other Channels

It is always good to see contents or articles from your other channels or social media platforms. It will create credibility in your blockchain company and attract interested niche through well-written contents and articles.

Links to Your Other Channels

Giving links to your other channels will drive more traffic and give much attention to your platform.

Be Consistent

Everything is not as perfect as it seems. With the plans and strategies you’ve created, it’s good to look back and evaluate areas which need improvements. Whether you need to add more details to your profile or you need to use traffic management tools that will help you improve your strategy, go for it.


Quora is one of the best sites for building authority, attracting audiences, and making you an expert in your industry. Considering a long-term content strategy, Quora can get the traffic and the boost that your platform needs. Using Quora’s features will allow your platform to gain organic traffic and community engagement.

About the Author

Rodrigo Cardenete
Rodrigo Cardenete
Founder at BUNCH

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